I thought that I was working on a dream

Working on a dream lyrics & history

Not this Obama dream -that is the American one I think-: My dream was a dream about helping people to reach thair goals. The goals that people need to ride their lifes for their own. But one guy can swim against the tide.

The tide, what people who are on the same boat of me want, was reach their own goals (work less and earn more) and not to do all that was on their hands to help the others.

Than, maybe I need to change my mind and be part of the crowd: That mean to look only for the profit of swindlers.

But, I'm thinking that that wasn't a desertion of reality. Isn't it?

Nits de lluna plena

Un mal homenatge:

a un genial original:
Le loup-garou de Boris Vian

Si a Perpinyà vols pujar...

...l'himne d'en Jordi hauràs de cantar:

Aprèn anglés amb...

... el primer capítol d'una sèrie mítica:
Magnum p.i.

A l'Ala Oest de la Casa Blanca...

Dóna-li una ullada al Pilot!!!!

El centenari del fonàmbul!!!

És l'Enric qui dóna la pista per obrir les portes a l'homenatge a un alpinista que divendres va fer cent anys.

Felicitats Riccardo